United Way Volusia Flagler Counites Funds $1,237,100 to Partner Agencies

During 2021-2022 United Way of Volusia-Flagler Counties played a key role in the success of twenty-three programs that benefited our local community. In the first year of a two-year funding cycle UWVFC granted $1,237,100.00 to support eighteen agencies. Issues funded ranged from homelessness, children, education, family support and more. These programs saw many successes including serving 2,644 children to meet developmental milestones, helping 88% of clients improve health outcomes and supporting 83% of clients to transition from homelessness to housing. UWVFC is proud to announce the award of $1,237,100 to our funded partners for 2022-2023.
Through these grants many lives have been impacted like Janessa. Janessa struggled with classwork, misbehaving, and a nicotine addiction before attending PACE Center for Girls. Early on she was introduced to the Art of Yoga. Janessa started focusing on her well being on and off the mat. She developed healthy and sustainable coping mechanisms to control her emotions. The community she found with PACE set her eyes to the future, “My goals for the future include graduating high school and going to the police academy to become a police officer.”
Help is not only for the youth, 91-year-old man Troy came to Volusia-Flagler Counties Coalition for the Homeless (VFCCH) for help. He was sleeping in his white Ford with a camper shell attached. Troy was spending every night in a new location looking for a safe and secure area. Over time VFCCH helped identify and secure move-in funds for a newly renovated one-bedroom apartment for Troy that was in his budget. Troy is especially grateful for all the amenities most people take for granted.
These stories are only two of the thousands of lives changed thanks to United Way partnering with agencies around the local community. However, there are still thousands of lives that need help. We need your help!
There are two ways to help, you can give online at https://bit.ly/UWVFCGIVE22 or volunteer with United Way /volunteer both of these options can save many lives. United Way can help lead the way for more change, can you help drive the mission?
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