Volunteer Spotlight: John Boughtin
John Boughtin is one of our veteran ReadingPal mentors. He started four years ago, when the program was first launched in Volusia and Flagler Counties via United Way and ReadingPals Partners. John is truly an asset to the program and loves working with the students. He is the first one to fill in when another mentor is unable to read to their students, and he is always asking if he can do more!
John worked in the engineering field and when he retired, he knew the importance of a good education. John believes reading well is an essential skill in defining and achieving educational, career, and life goals. He feels the love of reading is a perfect way to spend endless hours and knows it can enrich your life.
John joined ReadingPals, “because, first and foremost, I love children and I wish to be a part of their success story. If I can motivate a child to have some curiosity and interest in reading then I believe they will benefit forever. I believe it is also important and I try to help them improve their attention span, social skills, and develop some degree of critical thinking. I try to make it fun, interesting, fun, informative, fun, entertaining, fun and inspiring. Did I mention it should be fun?” John keeps coming back each year because he feels it is his duty and a pleasure to share his love of reading with the students. “And in the process, through their simplicity, originality, naiveté and honesty, they give me more than I give them.”
We truly appreciate mentors like John Boughtin and hope he continues to come back to ReadingPals each year. This program would not be a success without mentors like him!
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